Title: Neuromorphic Techniques for an Intelligent Vision System
Abstract: Massive computation, data, and power consumption limits the deployment of artificial intelligence on edge devices. Key technologies based on neuromorphic computing provide solutions to edge computing, which is essential to develop the next generation AI chip. In this talk, neuromorphic techniques including model, architecture, and sensing will be discussed. These techniques will be demonstrated on a microdrone platform for the task of obstacle avoidance.
Biography: Dr. Kea-Tiong (Samuel) Tang received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan in 1996, and received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, in 1998 and 2001, respectively. During 2001–-2006, Dr. Tang was a Senior Electrical Engineer with Second Sight Medical Products, Inc., Sylmar, CA, USA. He designed mixed signal ASIC for the ArgusÒ II Retinal Prosthesis System, which became the first FDA approved device for retinal prosthesis. Since 2006, he joined the Electrical Engineering Faculty at National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and is currently a full Professor. His research interests include bio-inspired learning chip, miniature electronic system, and biomedical implantable prosthetic device.
He has actively collaborated with researchers in Nanoengineering and Microsystems, Chemistry, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Life Science, and Medical doctors, and has published more than 250 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers in these research areas. He has led the largest electronic nose team in Taiwan to develop a system that can early detect and rapid diagnose ventilator-associated pneumonia. He is a recipient of numerous awards, including Outstanding Young Scholar Award, Wu Ta-You Memorial Award, National Innovation Award, and Outstanding Electrical Engineering Professor Award.
Dr. Tang is a senior member of IEEE. He is member of IEEE SSCS, CASS, EDS, and EMBS. He was the Past Chair of IEEE Biomedical and Life Science Circuits Systems Technical Committee (BioCAS). He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS) (2022-2023). He has served as TPC member of ISSCC, IEDM, ASSCC, ISCAS, and BioCAS. He was IEEE CAS Chapter Chair of Taipei Section (2017-2018). He was the Chair of IEEE Taipei Section (2021-2022). He was a Board of Governor (BoG) of CAS Society, serving as Representative of Region 10 (2020~2021). He is the current Vice President – Regional Activities and Membership of IEEE CASS.